As with any AI tool, not using it means you’re ultimately missing out and why would you not want to save time?
However, let’s also not forget that ChatGPT finished its training in April 2023… so not all the information it spits out is not going to be up to date. You’ll also need to consider that there will need to be a good level of input and quality control.
Whilst ChatGPT isn't trained on how to do Keyword Research specifically, it can be the perfect “expert” for the industry or group of keywords that you’re looking to explore further. That’s IF you ask the right questions, enter the right prompts.
Bring on the prompts..
Best ChatGPT Keyword Research Prompts
These prompts should be taken and adapted to the niche you’re looking to explore further. In this case, let’s use an example of “properties”.
Prompt 1
“What are the [3] most popular sub-topics related to [Property]”
In this case I’m asking ChatGPT to provide me with 3 sub topics related to the property industry. With this result, I can take these 3 ideas, knowing they’re the most popular, and start building audiences or content around what I already know is trending.
Here’s what ChatGPT suggested in my case:

As a next step, we want to follow up our first prompt with a second, using data given by ChatGPT within prompt 1 above.
Prompt 2
“What are the [3] most popular sub-topics related to [SubTopic [Property Law and Regulations]”

Now we have more detail within the most popular sub topics of the area / industry we want to explore. This would already give us a lot of food for thought for our Keyword Research. But, we could also go one step further and have ChatGPT specifically provide us with keywords, without all the descriptions.
Prompt 3
Without providing the description, list the top 10 most popular keywords for the topic of [Landlord Tenant Laws]

Boom, bang on the money.
If you wanted to go yet another step further, you could ask ChatGPT to provide you with more long-tail keyword options. E.g.
Prompt 4
List the top 10 most popular long tail keywords for the topic [Landlord Tenant Laws]

Extremely insightful and useful data that you can then go on to export and play around with for the purpose of SEO or Paid Search.
Just don't forget, ChatGPT was not specifically built for SEO, or Keyword Research, so consider that the responses won’t use the same data sets that other SEO tools may provide as an alternative. Nevertheless, it's certainly going to save you in time and be valuable for brainstorming.
Happy Prompting!