The Impact of A.I. on UX/UI Design 2022

The Impact of A.I. on UX/UI Design 2022

Last Updated:
31 Dec

A new era?

We’re starting to see a lot more tools emerge that empower the everyday user, and encourage even the most uncreative minds to take charge of their own projects creating a mass market of DIY designers.A.I. is progressing rapidly and creating new means of practice for UX and UI designers that is inevitably shaping our future.But what does this mean in the short term and long term for creatives?

  • Will design tools have to change?
  • What has this got to do with SMEs?

Let's find out.

How is A.I. changing UI/UX design?

Generally speaking, although the name Artificial intelligence brings thought of innovation and possibility it also carries a negative connotation of uncertainty that is accompanied by fear in the workplace. ‘How will this affect me and will I be replaced?’We’ve seen countless articles such as Forbes repeating itself on the scale of issues set with A.I. ‘Millions of job losses’ and counting to come over the course of the coming century, seeming to be the most prevalent headline. This doesn't hold much truth in the design sector.The truth is - A.I. is improving how UI/UX designers work and even how SMEs conduct business, by bringing along a vast number of opportunities, we can all benefit from including:

Preemptive design tools

When I started designing over a decade ago, The holy grail was photoshop. You couldn't beat it. In my eyes, it had everything you needed to be a basic UX/UI designer. Colour correcting, photo manipulating, designing website mockups, you name it. Now, as we move forward, the use of prototyping, online collaboration, and responsive tools, in programs like; Sketch and Figma have become a standard in all UX/UI best practice bibles.

Better collaboration

This is because A.I. has become more collaborative in its development and intuitive in its nature, proving more of an ally over the coming years. We’ve also seen a prevalence in tools such as Invision which allow seamless design revisions and ease of access to customers growing a standard practice.

Modular advances

Modular systems are defining and streamlining our processes by enabling UI functionality to be clearer and more concise in modern practice. This efficiency ‘domino effect’ is not only helping us understand user behaviour better but also making a larger, more positive influence, on our conversion rates.

Smarter heat maps

Heat maps like EyeQuant, are making decisions easier for UI/UX designers and SMEs by understanding the nature of the user and by highlighting focus points on a website or landing page which can prove crucial for A/B testing.

Better user experience

Multistage and chatbots forms are allowing more innovation from design which is great for SMEs because it allows more room for data capture and customer engagement on site.

PPC breakthrough

I’ve seen countless issues being raised by customers with a strict budget looking for a low-cost solution to their PPC management. Our team have asked themselves, how we could make this easier? and have been working on a solution called AdInvestor which offers an affordable solution to pay per click management. If you want to learn more about how it works feel free to get in touch on 0203 319 6462 or

Takeaway notes

The relationship between Design and A.I. is stronger than it's ever been, advances will only seek to support our workload and the perspective of automation should only be seen to help save time on lower scale tasks and speed up workflow. By doing this we can allow more time to concentrate on creative thinking, processes, and our quest for a better user experience.


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