What Google’s U-turn on Cookies Means for You - A Huge Sigh of Relief

What Google’s U-turn on Cookies Means for You - A Huge Sigh of Relief

Rohan Moona
Senior Account Manager
July 24, 2024

Find out why if you're running Google ads this will be good news and how and what to expect from this update.

As a digital marketing agency, we've been closely monitoring Google's stance on third-party cookies.

The recent announcement that Google will not be deprecating these cookies in Chrome marks a significant shift in the digital advertising landscape. 

Before we go into the detail, what this basically means for business owners is they don't need to worry about huge disruption to their tracking and measurement of ad performance. 

Had cookies disappeared, advertisers would have suddenly been hit with a significant portion of their conversions and performance not being tracked. This would have massively impacted visibility and performance across their Google campaigns.

Laptop with cookies on the keyboard

This would be akin to the huge performance drops seen when Apple hit Facebook with its iOS 14 privacy update in 2021, where businesses experienced significant impacts on their advertising performance and return on investment.

Luckily we can now expect some stability ahead rather than massive disruption.

Here's what this means for our clients and the industry at large.

The New Chrome Experience

Instead of eliminating third-party cookies, Google is introducing a new user experience in Chrome. 

As Google states, "Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they'd be able to adjust that choice at any time"

This approach aims to empower users with more control over their browsing preferences while still allowing for effective digital advertising. As an agency, we see this as an opportunity to balance user privacy concerns with our clients' need for targeted advertising.

Regulatory Compliance and Privacy Sandbox

We're actively monitoring the latest developments following Google's discussions with regulators, including the UK's CMA and ICO. The continued development of Privacy Sandbox APIs is particularly exciting for us, as it promises to enhance privacy while maintaining crucial ad functionality. 

Our team is already exploring how to leverage these APIs to deliver effective campaigns for our clients.

Promising Test Results

Google's recent tests of cookie alternatives have shown encouraging results:

  • Advertiser spend recovery reached 89% in Google Display Ads
  • Conversion rates recovered by 97% in Google Display Ads
  • Remarketing spend recovery was 55% in Google Ads

These figures are reassuring for our clients who rely on digital advertising for their marketing efforts. We're optimistic about maintaining strong campaign performance even as the advertising landscape evolves.

Addressing Publisher Challenges

We recognise that some publishers have faced challenges with the Privacy Sandbox, including issues with testing pools and latency. As an agency, we're committed to working closely with our publishing partners to navigate these challenges and find solutions that benefit both advertisers and content creators.

A Balanced Approach for the Future

Google's decision to retain third-party cookies while introducing new user controls represents a more balanced approach to digital advertising. This aligns well with our agency's philosophy of delivering effective campaigns while respecting user privacy.

Looking Ahead

While the timeline for future changes remains fluid, we're proactively preparing our clients for a privacy-first future. 

This includes:

  • Strengthening first-party data strategies with Offline Conversion tracking & Customer lists 
  • Embrace Privacy Centric Measurement solutions with GA4 and Consent Management
  • Exploring contextual advertising opportunities
  • Investing in AI and machine learning for more intelligent targeting
  • Enhancing our measurement and attribution capabilities

Our Paid Media and Operation Director, Monique Anderson emphasises, "This decision by Google allows us to continue delivering highly targeted and effective campaigns for our clients while respecting user privacy. It's a win-win situation that aligns perfectly with our commitment to innovation and excellence in digital marketing."

In conclusion, Google's decision provides a clearer path forward for digital advertising. As an agency, we're excited about the opportunities this presents and are well-positioned to help our clients thrive in this evolving landscape. 

We'll continue to adapt our strategies, leveraging the best of both traditional and emerging technologies to deliver outstanding results for our clients.

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