Who Remembers "Corporate Memory"?

Who Remembers "Corporate Memory"?

Paul Kearney
Managing Director
Last Updated:
4 Feb

Sometimes you just feel old…. I was in a meeting last week with the young and dynamic Push ‘Senior’ team.  We were discussing DIAL Agent, an AI tool that we have built to support and ‘upgrade’ the Account Managers (AM). 

The Push AMs have always been good but they have also been human with human limitations.  AI solves nothing on its own, regardless of the claims, but DIAL Agent upgrades an average AM into a good one, a good into great and pushes the very best beyond human limitations.  

The Real Power of Artificial Intelligence

The key to exploiting AI is understanding what it is, and what it is not.  Artificial Intelligence, despite the ridiculously grandiose name, is not intelligent, it will never make leaps of logic and will never, ever come up with a single original thought.  However, what it CAN do is have every bit of research, every conversation and every scrap of data at front of mind simultaneously to answer any questions in a holistic, and to be frank utterly unhuman, way 

Searching for a simple analogy I said, ‘Basically DIAL holds all of the Corporate Memory simultaneously and can access it seamlessly”

I was very pleased with my explanation, my Gen Z and millennial audience were less impressed

Erm sorry, what is Corporate memory?

Remembering Corporate Memory

My attempts to explain the tech in simple terms had accidentally resurrected a 90s buzzword with as much contemporary resonance as Pagers, Walkmans and Tamogochis. 

It got me thinking about ‘Corporate Memory.’ Everyone talked about it, tossed it around in meetings, but could anyone truly define it? The truth is, simple humans aren't designed to hold the vast ocean of information required to truly embody "Corporate Memory." We're brilliant, but we're also fallible. We forget, we get distracted, and our brains simply aren't wired to juggle the complexities of every client, every campaign, every nuance of every marketing decision.

Marketing in 2025 is still an art but an art built on the science of data, insights, and a deep understanding of your clients' unique needs. And that's where DIAL Agents come in.

DIAL Agent

Push’s revolutionary new AI-powered platform, DIAL Agents, is the ultimate digital brainchild, a fusion of cutting-edge technology and the wisdom gleaned from over a decade of digital marketing.

Forget frantic note-taking and frantic googling. DIAL Agents acts as the ultimate knowledge bank for your Account Managers. Every client interaction, every insightful discovery meeting, every brilliant campaign – it's all meticulously captured and stored within this digital powerhouse.

Suddenly, our Account Managers aren't just juggling client relationships; they're wielding a force multiplier. Armed with the insights of past campaigns, the nuances of client preferences, and the collective wisdom of Push's London headquarters, they can now anticipate client needs with uncanny accuracy.

Embrace the Future with DIAL Agents

No more "low-hanging fruit" or "thinking outside the box" – DIAL Agents provides the data and insights to drive truly impactful campaigns. It's like having a personal marketing guru whispering winning strategies directly into your ear.

DIAL Agents: Where human ingenuity meets machine intelligence. It's the future of marketing, and it's happening right here at Push.

So, the next time you hear someone mention "Corporate Memory," don't roll your eyes. Smile knowingly. Because DIAL Agents remembers it all, and it does it better than any human ever could.

Learn how DIAL Agents can transform your marketing strategy.  Contact us to find out more!

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